I know it sounds crazy but Payson started school.. Here in the Philippines they can start school at 18 months.. Well Pays is only 14 months but they said it was okay if he took the summer school.. I thought it would be good for him to go so that he could interact with kids.. Well that really isn't what happens.. There is a kid in his class that just must not like him because he literally bullies him in school.. So the first week of school I stayed in the classroom with him because I was nervous to leave him and there was this kid that just was not nice to Pays at all.. He would hit him, pinch him, and push him to the ground!:( And of course Pays would cry every time it happened and I would feel so bad.. Well this last week of school they encouraged parents to stay outside and wait for their kids and if there was a problem they would come get us.. So I don't know if this kid is still beating up on Payson or not! It breaks my heart to see him get hurt by other kids when all I wanted him to do was make friends ha... Then today when I walked him into his class within two seconds of him being in the classroom a kid came up and slapped him in the face... I really don't know why they beat up on him but lets just say Payson is one tough cookie to put up with it! He likes school but doesn't at the same time.. He likes to play but he doesn't like to be told what to do like sit in his chair and do a craft! So I guess if he is learning one thing in school its to sit still!! We only have one more week of it then we are done!:) Here are some cute pictures of him at school and with his backpack on!
I'm not sure he likes school! Maybe if they held it in the sand? Make those kids be nice. I hope you are all doing well, keep up the blog, I love to look at your pics and see all of your smiling faces. Joni