There is an amazing lady named Julie that works at Focus. She is the Business Developer at Focus. She is the one that is getting our visas done and everything else that we need like our house, cell phones, car, helping us get around, and just flat out taking good care of us! She is going to be my lifesaver while we live over here in the Philippines! Anyways our first night here when we arrived she got us into our hotel and then took us grocery shopping and out to dinner. Then the next day she came and picked us up and took us to lunch! After lunch she took us all over the town to show us places and help us get to know the streets here in Bacolod! First we told her how much Payson loved animals and so she took us to a place that had horses!! Payson was in heaven!
sorry I don't know how to flip the picture!! (Gwen help me!)
After Julie saw how much Payson loved the animals she decided that she would take us to the zoo!! When you think zoo you think like the hogle zoo back home with hundreds of animals and a huge place right? Well not here we got to the zoo and it was tiny!!! It cost us 60 pesos for four of us! Which in American money that is only like $1.10... So super cheap. The animals they had were birds, eagles, monkeys, a deer, parrot, and alligators. It probably took us ten minutes to walk around the whole thing! But its ok Payson loved it and talked to the animals and made his fish lip pucker face!

The monkeys here are not nice monkeys they are mean!! At first when I saw I thought oh it likes me cause it was smiling and jumping on the fence at me but come to find out it was smiling cause it was hissing and it was jumping on the fence cause it was trying to attack me... Creepy!!!! The internet here sucks I wanted to post a video of the monkey but its not letting me.. When it starts working again I will post it! After the zoo Julie took us to a resort that was really pretty but of course my camera died so I couldn't take pictures! All in all it was a good day and we are very grateful that we have Julie here with us!
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