Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trip to Cebu Day Two

I forgot to post on the first day post that we stayed in the same hotel that we did last time we came to Cebu!! Which meant we of course had to go and see the tiger and snake again! Payson was obsessed and every time we went to the floor with the tiger on it he had to go and look at it.. The guys were super nice to Payson they would let him just walk in and play with the tiger and snake!

Getting up the courage to touch the snake

He was brave and touched the snake!
The second day in Cebu was kind of a relaxing day! Poor Payson was sick with 104 degree fever:( So for the first part of the day we just watched shows in the hotel room.. We were going to go to a beach but decided the sun probably wasn't a very good idea for Payson so we decided to go to the SM Mall! It was only about a 20 minute drive to get there and only cost us $5 to take a taxi there! Not bad huh?  We stayed at the mall for probably a good 4 hours it was huge! Seriously the biggest mall I have ever been in.. I didn't get any pictures because I was to busy taking care of Payson's fever!
Poor guy didn't feel good
We got back to the hotel and took a nap! I know we are pretty lazy.. But when you are stuck in a hotel room with a napping kid you can't do much besides nap with them:)  When we woke up it was dinner time.. The hotel we stayed at is like a 38 floor hotel.. On the top 4 floors they have activities and a buffet restaurant! We went and ate at the buffet which was actually really good.. We all liked the food but the desert was a little iffy!:) After dinner we went up to the 37th floor and did what was called the sky walk! We couldn't take the camera out to take pictures because they had a photographer that wanted to make money off of taking pictures! It was pretty cool you got to walk around the whole hotel and see the city! We did it in the dark so that made it pretty fun! Jordyn and Cody had to go while we watched Payson then Landon and I got to go while they watched Payson!
Payson watching Landon and I do the skywalk out the window

The workers at the skywalk were obsessed with Payson so they carried him everywhere and pushed him around on their cart

He eventually warmed up to them:)

We got certificates saying we survived the skywalk!
It was a really fun trip we had a great time! One of the best parts was Monday morning (Utah's Sunday) before we left we got to Skype Dallen! It was so so good to talk to him and he is doing amazing! He is loving his mission and just had his 20th birthday! Its crazy to think that he is that old and that he has almost been out a whole year!
Love this boy!!!

Trip to Cebu Day One

We decided for Jordyn and Cody's first trip here in the Philippines we would just go to Cebu... Plus I needed milk for Payson from S&R so it worked out perfect.. It is only a 30 minute flight from Bacolod so it's not bad at all.. We left our house at 5 a.m. because our flight was leaving at 7:15 a.m. We got there at 7:45 and had the whole day ahead of us.. Julie lined us up with a driver to pick us up from the airport and drive us around wherever we wanted to go all day long! It was nice to not have to wait for a taxi and to always have a car whenever we needed one!
At the airport in Cebu
The first thing that we did was went to our hotel in hopes that we could check in early because we were all tired and could have used a nap! We could've checked in early but they wanted like an extra $20 so we decided it wasn't worth it and left our bags at the hotel and decided to go tour the place before checking in!
The first thing we did was go and find the Cebu Temple and walk around the grounds of the Temple! It was gorgeous.. The grass was so green they took great care of it, the temple was gorgeous, the mission home is right next to the Temple, so is the MTC in Cebu, and the distribution center.  Things are so so cheap at the distribution center! We went up to walk around the temple but they wouldn't let us because Landon, Jordyn, and Cody were wearing shorts!:( So next time we go to Cebu we will know better so that we can walk around the Temple!
Cebu Temple

They keep it done up so pretty!
After the Temple we decided we would take a drive up to the top of the mountain to look over the whole city of Cebu! When we got up there we found out that it was like a hotel resort kind of thing.. You had to pay to go up which wasn't bad it was cheap! We got as far as we could driving and then had to hike the rest.. Ha we were seriously all dying. None of us have worked out in 2 months and those hills were steep! It was worth the hike in the end but during the hike we were wondering what we got ourselves into! It was probably 105 degrees or hotter so we were all sweating so bad! It was way pretty to look over and see the whole city!
The statue we parked right by

Haha he pulls it off pretty good right?

Poor Landon had to carry this load the whole hike

He was terrified of the tree with a face on it

These are the steep stairs we had to hike up to get to the top... There was at least 10 sets of them.. This picture does not do them justice!

It was kind of a Disney themed resort
After our hike we were starving to we decided to go to S&R to eat the best pizza in the world and do some shopping.. S&R is just like a Sam's Club or Costco back home! It's way overpriced here like Payson's milk for a half gallon is $4 but he needs milk so we buy it! After we spent a fortune there we went back to the hotel to check in and take a well needed nap!
Payson is obsessed with trying to bite Landon's nose! So before nap we had to play this game!


We all slept until about 6:30 and got up and decided to go to dinner.. We went and walked the mall that was by our hotel for a little bit and then went and ate at KFC and then came back to finish the night up with swimming!

It was a good first day in Cebu but by the end of the day we were all exhausted!:)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

We finally got moved into our house

Well its official! We are finally out of the hotel and into our house.. We have been here about two weeks now, we just haven't had internet so I haven't been able to update the blog! Its so nice to be able to cook our own meals, and not have to eat out all of the time. I think the best thing for Payson is that he finally has room to run around and play! We are in a super nice safe area and we love it! There are guards as you come into the area and all around so they take good care of us. We are spoiled and have a nice huge house.. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms and is brand new! That's right it was just barely built! There is a way nice lap size pool and kiddie pool across the road from our house like seriously a 30 second walk! There is also a bad mitten court that we have gone and played at a couple of times! It has been a long two week process trying to buy everything that we need to furnish the house.. We have probably been to the mall hundreds of times picking up odd and end things! By the time we are finally done buying everything we are never going to want to go back to the mall! We couldn't be happier with it and are so excited to finally get back to real life of cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and all that good stuff.. Believe it or not I actually missed it!:) Here are some pictures of our house before it was decorated and after it was decorated!

Outside of our house
Upstairs guest bedroom (Before)
Upstairs guest bedroom (After)

Upstairs hallway! I didn't take an after picture because it looks the same:)

Payson's bedroom (Before)

Payson's bedroom (After)


Payson's bathroom I didn't take an after picture because it looks the same:)

Payson's closet it still looks the same so no new picture

Stairway you can see holes in between that made me nervous for Payson to fall through so I made them put stuff up to block the holes

It blocks the holes perfectly I don't have to be as nervous




Front Room T.V. Stand (Before)

Front Room T.V. Stand (After)

Front Room (Before)

Front Room (After)

Our Backyard Path of Grass

Dining Area (Before)

Dining Area (After)

Part of the Kitchen (Before)

Part of the Kitchen (After)

Other part of the kitchen (Before)

Other part of the Kitchen (After)
Payson's Toy Room

Master Bathroom

Master Closet (Before)

Master Closet (After)


Sliding doors in the Master to go to the Balcony

Got the curtains up on the sliding doors to the balcony

Desk Area in the Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom (Before)

Master Bedroom (After)

T.V Stand in Master Bedroom I didn't take an after picture... You already know what a T.V. looks like!:)