Landon had a work conference in a place called Boracay! Its a beautiful beach resort here in the Philippines! We flew to Manila first to do visa stuff then just flew from Manila to Boracay... It was only an hour and 15 minute flight so not bad at all.. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 3:30 p.m. but we got there early because we had nothing to do in Manila until we went to the airport because we didn't have a car.. Anyways we got to the airport to check in for our flight and they hadn't started checking people in yet for that flight, but they told us they had extra seats on a plane that was leaving right then for Boracay so we of course said yes we wanted to get on that flight! Well they had to have the plane wait for us to leave! I felt kind of stupid walking onto the plane knowing that everyone was waiting to leave because of us! But oh well it gave us an earlier flight to Boracay!! Come to find out it was a way good thing we got to the airport early and got an earlier flight because the flight we would have been on was delayed until like 10:30 p.m. I think.. So we wouldn't have gotten to Boracay until midnight! That would have been terrible!! We flew to the airport by Boracay to the island Caticlan it's not to far from Boracay! Luckily we had Julie with us because there is so much to know and do to be able to get to Boracay from Caticlan! So first you get off of the plane and go inside and have to fill out paper work to be able to go to Boracay! You have to pay I think it was around 300 pesos a person which is like $7 for a resort fee or something like that I don't know for sure because Julie did all of the paper work! Then after that we went and loaded our stuff and ourselves onto a motorcycle with a cart hooked onto it I think they just call it a moto here! I didn't even get a picture!:( It took us to the port to get on a ferry which is a 20 min ride to Boracay.. When we got there we got on another moto and it took us to our hotel which was like a 5 minute drive from the port... So not bad at all... They dropped us off at the end of the road because they couldn't drive into the hotel.. So a hotel van came and picked up our bags and we had to walk! It wasn't that long of a walk but it was super super hot and we were sweating like crazy and I had Payson and he was asleep so he was snuggling up to me and was sweating way bad so that made me sweat! Lets just say it was a bad experience ha... All I wanted was some food, a drink of water, and a place to put Payson so we could both cool off!:)
On the fairy headed to Boracay! |
We got all checked into the hotel well our keys at least and before even going in the hotel to cool off we went and got something to eat! We ate at a pizza place called Yellow Cab and it was way good! They had the best smoothies I have ever had! The pizza was delicious to! After lunch we finally went into the hotel room! We decided that we wanted to go to the beach and swim to cool down! We got ready and headed to the beach but needed to buy some towels to dry off with and a beach bag to put all of our stuff in.. We went to a bunch of stores that were along the beach figuring out prices and which towels were the cheapest and trying to negotiate with the prices! Some people were easy to negotiate with and some just wouldn't budge! But we got everything we needed and headed to the beach!
They made this cute design in our hotel room for us! As you can tell Payson thought it was pretty cool! |
Payson hated the sand at first! When we were checking in at the hotel we put him down to walk and he started bawling because sand got inside of his sandals and he didn't like it and he wanted his shoes off!! So we thought it would be different if we just put his feet in the sand without shoes on! Ha that didn't work he held his feet up and grabbed onto us to hold him because he didn't want anything to do with the sand! So Landon decided to get in the water with him! He was off and on about liking it! I think the reason why he wasn't liking everything was because he had sunscreen in his eyes and he would cry then rub his eyes and get it in his eyes more so it just wasn't working out! It was a bad start to a beach vacation! We lasted about 30 minutes at the beach and then Landon had to go to his conference!

While Landon was at his conference I decided I would take Payson to the hotel room and let him take a little nap before dinner! That didn't work! All he wanted to do was run around the hotel room and play with everything he couldn't have.. He is obsessed with cords and plugs so you have to watch him like a hawk and he knows it is naughty when he plays with them! He also loved playing in the closet he would go in and shut the doors behind him and play hide and seek! He would laugh so hard it was the cutest thing ever! So after chasing him around the hotel room we went outside to walk around! I kept trying to put him down to walk but he still wanted nothing to do with the sand! So we made it a game that the sand was fun! I would pick some up in my hand and laugh at it and let it fall out of my hands and then he started doing it... It worked!! After that he walked all around in the sand and picked it up in his hands! While we were walking around we met a 16 year old boy that was helping his aunt run the hotel for the summer.. He was a sweet boy that held and played and talked to Payson for probably 45 minutes and Payson loved him!

After Landons conference we went and found something to eat! As most of you know we are pretty picky eaters and don't care for seafood we eat mostly chicken.. So we found a restuarant that served chicken cordon bleu! It was seriously the best chicken cordan bleu we have ever had!!! It was delicious and it was served with vegetables that was cooked in some amazing sauce, and we of course can't forget the juice that we ordered was pineapple mango and it was divine!! It was a way good dinner that we actually ate it twice while we were there!!:) After we ate dinner we walked around for a little bit and went in some little shops and watched the entertainment on the beach, but we didn't last long because Payson was wore out and was so so tired! Overall it was a good first day in Boracay!!!